Working as Oprah’s food editor at 25, then going on to write a best-selling book and found her own successful company - Rachel Hofstetter

Rachel Hofstetter, Episode 018

VP Marketing Chatbooks, Co-Founder Guesterly and PR School, Best-Selling Author

For years, Rachel Hofstetter was paid to eat and drink as the food editor at O, the Oprah Magazine. But besides the copious amounts of chocolate and cheese, her favorite part of the job was telling the stories of up-and-coming entrepreneurs. Their stories led to her best-selling book Cooking Up a Business (Penguin), an insider guide to the world of food startups. As she wrote the book, Rachel picked up the entrepreneurial itch (it’s contagious!), and took the opportunity to focus on her true passion: connecting people in unique and creative ways. She co-founded guesterly, a software platform that enables anyone to create a custom who's who directory for events and groups, and partnered with Savor the Success to create PR School, which helps makers and creators get the word out about their brands and connect directly with editors and writers. In November of 2015, Guesterly was acquired by Chatbooks, the super-easy subscription photo book company, and Rachel joined the Chatbooks team as VP of marketing to lead marketing across all Chatbooks brands.

Rachel also regularly speaks to crowds of 500+, is on the advisory board of Brooklyn FoodWorks, New York’s largest food incubator program, and Chapul, the original cricket bar company (as seen on Shark Tank). (@rachelhoffy, @rachelhoffy1)

Watch below to see the great idea of Guesterly

Here's an intro to Rachel's PR School

Rachel's best-selling book giving an inside look at how food entrepreneurs turned their dreams into a reality -- and how you can to!

Rachel's best-selling book giving an inside look at how food entrepreneurs turned their dreams into a reality -- and how you can to!